Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Results of the Poll

Regis Blackgaard has won the poll by a final count of 10-3:-[ Thank you for participating. Sorry to all of you who don't care about sports, because our next poll is definitely sports related. As we have already stated numerous times (some of you still haven't complied) please leave a comment with your name and vote. One other thing, this new poll is not who you want to win, but who you honestly think has the better chance of winning.


  1. I have a feeling this will turn out to be another nice little discussion on THE BLOG. When I first thought of the question and who I really thought would win it was Oregon. I simply could not stop there. I instead turned to history, seniors, and home field advantage. Lets state the facts: Oregon has more seniors (15 to 13) and they have home field advantage. History is definitely on Oregon State's side. I was going to say that the Beaver Seniors would be more spirited, but then I realized that the Duck's LaGarrete Blount was a Senior.

    I have not yet voted for either and will wait till later on in the week. Maybe if I eat a lot of turkey I will be delusional and will pick the Ducks. After all turkey and ducks are pretty close to the same thing, RIGHT? Duck is probably a little better to eat because it is not as tough.


  2. I voted for the Ducks.

    ~Stan G.

  3. First, Jonathan was insightful (at least in the 1st paragragh).

    Why did I pick the Ducks? Because this will be a close game and the Autzen crowd in the 4th quarter combined with Jeremiah Masoli will make the difference. So, I must sound the Ducks foghorn: BWAAAAAHAHAHHAHAHHAAAAA

    An additional "Who are you ROOTING for?" poll would make this even more fun.

  4. After much thought and delay I have come to my conclusion that the Beavers have a higher chance of winning the Civil War. I think the biggest stat is the run defense. The Beavers are a lot better against the run than the Ducks. As far as history goes the visiting team has won the past two times, I think this will continue. Go Beavs!

