Friday, November 20, 2009

Results of Louis L'Amour trivia

The winner is our Uncle Eli with thrice points, Loren was second with two points. Listed below are the answers:
1. Tom Lundy and Con Dury in Kiowa Trail
2. Barnabas Sackett in Sackett's Land
3. Jube Lane in Sackett's Land


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    *walks up to the podium*

    First of all, I would like to thank my mom for all the time she spent making me into what I am today. I also want to thank Barnabas Sackett for being will...(choke, sniff, sob) I'm sorry...willing to come to America so we could all know what it's like to live among the "far, blue mountains". And most of all I like to thank the one we owe it all to. We all know we wouldn't even be here tonight without Louis L'Amour. Louis, you helped us believe that no matter what dry gulch we may find ourselves in, we always, ALWAYS know the end of the story! Thank you all.
