Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Yeah, that's not good

We found ourselves in the unfortunate pickle of needing a haircut. Bro. Sponsler took us down to his barber. Ughh our fine hairs of head, no wait, that would be heads of hairs will never be the same. The guy picked Austin to go first and used a #4 on his poor hair, apparently Argentine #4s are different than Amercian #4s. After doing himself proud by nearly balding poor Austin, yep he's six and balding, no we aren't exagerrating, why if he keeps up at this pace he'll be completely bald by his seventh birthday or his next Argentine haircut whichever comes first. Anyone else notice the similarities between this and a car warranty commercial? Then the big, bad, brown and balding barber, no doubt his name was Bocca(now that is vintage Wally McCdoogle right there) grabbed Andrew and started slashing undiscriminately at the head/hair. Then Anthony hair got thwacked by the little big man. After we came out you couldn't tell by looking whether a couple of crazy rodents decided to wear their teeth down on the oldey hair, or if a "barber" had cut our hair. Just in case you didn't know rodents' teeth never stop growing thus they must gnaw on things to keep their teeth from growing to the length that they can't eat. See how educational our blog can be? We ask you where would the world be today without rodents sniff sniff, heh we got all you Odyssey bluffs with that one didn't we? While we're not exactly sure what the position of global affairs would be, we're pretty sure that everyone's hair would be a lot safer, especially in Argentina. We do have to give the barber this, he was a hand with a pair of scissors and a pocket full of combs. Unfortunately, he wasn't too picky about getting both sides of the hair the same length, or even bothering with the front at all.


  1. We'd like to see pictures please! :)

  2. Now wait a second!!! You can't go into all that detail and not post a picture of the damage here on the blog!

    ~Stan G.

  3. LOL You guys just gave me the biggest laugh...I'm sorry...I know at your expense...I agree with everyone else!!! You can't leave us hanging here! Show us these amazing haircuts!!! HeHe...it's close enough to you coming home that we just might get to see the results for ourselves, huh? LOL


  4. cant wait to see u guys fuzzy heads here in eleven days
