Monday, November 16, 2009

The Women's Conference

This last weekend, Friday,Saturday and Sunday, we were "privileged" to attend the National Ladies' Conference. It was surely an interesting experience. The first service was Friday evening, that day had been rather stormy and so the attendance was diminished due to the fact that some of the roads here cannot be navigated when it rains. We rented a car because we could not fit in the Sponslers' car with Bro. and Sis. Dean (the speakers for the conference). The first night Sis. Sponsler rode with the rest of my(Andrew) family, to make sure my dad knew how to get to the conference. This means I got to ride with with Bro. Sponsler and the Deans, normally this wouldn't have necessarily been a bad thing. However, due to horrendous traffic my family and Sis. Sponsler got there very late. There were five reserved seats for our family on the front row, since the rest of my family wasn't there I was seated on the front row amid hundreds, yea thousands of women, I felt rather conspicuous. Saturday was much warmer and sweatier, but during a good portion of the service I was cooled by the vociferously twirled kerchief of the woman next to me. The music was extremely loud, and due to the design and materials used for the building there was a perpetual echo. After 3-4 hours of this we, not being accustomed to the volume began to weary of it. Their song services seemed to be longer than ours, although it may have been because it was Spanish, and I think they know three beats down here, slow, fast and faster. It seemed that every song began with the song leader singing slowly,then the rest of the singers would join in, and the drummer would have a hayday. The piano player looked like a kid in a candy shop. There are more details, but I will save those for home. Anyway, it was a long weekend.


  1. First a married's retreat, now a women's conference...I sense a senior citizen's banquet in your near future. You are going to have a broad scope of experience in ministry to add to your resume when you return :)

    ~Stan G.

  2. Yeah, their song services last MUCH longer than what you would be used to. This kind of song service is what we are used to....long, loud and fast! Our song services were just like that in California and Spain both. Latino's are much more emotional and their worship is very enthusiastic! lol

  3. Ooooh, Andrew! You crack me up. Poor guy. I totally can picture the uncomfortable look on your face as you're standing there, clapping during song service, glancing uncomfortably from side to side, and of course, not singing since you don't know Spanish, and are surrounded by hundreds of Argentinian women! LOL POOOR guuuuy. Good job for being such a good sport! You may be the guest speaker at West Coast Women's Conference someday. Who knows what God's preparing you for! ; )


  4. Andrew will be the next Lee Stonking preaching at the Ladies service at General Conference.

  5. This column was to wong. I barewy stayed awake.

